The Dream Must Bring You
Closer to God
From a poor missionary, I wanted to become a millionaire missionary.
It was mad. It was audacious. It was totally heretical. And no one in my circle of friends ever tried it. But the thought of becoming a millionaire entrepreneur and a servant of God at the same time fascinated me no end.
Why? Two reasons.
First, instead of always begging money from people for my own personal needs, I wanted to have enough for my needs and more than enough to give to God’s work.
Second, I was constantly faced by the needs of the people I was trying to help — not just their spiritual needs but also their financial needs. I preached about prayer, faith, salvation, healing, and heaven. But I never talked about money, even if that was what they wanted me to do. How could I even dare teach them to grow financially if I was totally ignorant about money? (I’m embarrassed to say this, but at that time, the best skill I possessed concerning money was begging for it.)
Third, I wanted to help people financially.
But I couldn’t — because I didn’t have any.
No, I didn’t love money. But I began to develop a passion for two things about money: how to grow it and how to give it away.
I find this very difficult to explain to religious people. But today, when I create wealth, I feel God’s Presence in a very palpable way. Because it isn’t just for me. I create wealth to fulfil my Life Purpose — which is to love as much as I can.

Agbo Collins

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